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Outback Way Upgrades

Cosmo Newbery, Laverton, Ngaanyatjarra-Giles, Warburton


  • Road

    Project type
  • $678 million More info

    Total budget
  • Under Construction

    Project phase
  • Main Roads WA

    Lead agency
  • TBC

    Jobs supported

The Outback Way is an iconic 2,800 kilometre route from Laverton in Western Australia to Winton in Queensland via Alice Springs. It is often referred to as Australia’s Longest Shortcut.

Planned upgrades and sealing have taken place on the Great Central Road between Laverton and the WA/NT border. A 50km section of road was sealed in 2018 by the Shire of Laverton, followed by another 40km section of road by Main Roads Western Australia in 2021.

The next phases will be near the communities of Cosmo Newberry, Warburton and Warakuna, east of Laverton. Design and negotiations are underway.

Funding has been allocated to seal the remainder of the Outback Way by 2030.  


  • Improved transport network across Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland
  • Improved road safety
  • Increased regional connectivity and reduce travel times
  • Improved access to health and social services
  • Local job and contract opportunities

Project map

This map shows an aerial view of the project location.

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