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Newman to Port Hedland Great Northern Highway Overtaking Lanes

Newman to Port Hedland


  • Road

    Project type
  • $50 million

    Total budget
  • Under Construction

    Project phase
  • Main Roads WA

    Lead agency

The Great Northern Highway carries traffic travelling at various speeds including light vehicles, towing vehicles, road trains and oversize over mass vehicles.

These overtaking lanes will improve road safety between Newman and Port Hedland safer, and enhance freight movement efficiency.

This project includes construction of eleven overtaking lanes and will be delivered in two packages.

Package One - Newman to Munjina (Auski)
Construction has commenced on five priority overtaking lanes between Newman and Port Hedland. This includes three southbound and two northbound overtaking lanes.

Work is continuing on package one, with culvert end treatment work underway on all five overtaking lanes, and due for completion in early-2025.

Package Two - Munjina (Auski) to Port Hedland
Package Two includes construction of six overtaking lanes; two southbound and four northbound overtaking lanes.

Construction of these eleven overtaking lanes will minimise conflict between heavy and light vehicles by providing safer overtaking opportunities.

Find more information on the Main Roads WA project here.


  • Improved road safety with overtaking lanes
  • Enhanced freight network to support WA's economic development
  • Better transport efficiencies

Project map

This map shows an aerial view of the project location.

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